Monday, October 5, 2009

Stay Away from the Flu

I may just be naive about keeping away from the flu bug, but a shot or a snort of flu meds are not the way to prevent the flu. The main message, instead of "get a flu shot" should be to just build your immune system so that you don't get the flu. Other methods to prevent it are keeping the bug at bay. Below are a few practical suggestions that have kept me healthy for years without ever contracting flu.
1. The basics: eat healthy (min 5 fruits and veggies daily + protein), exercise and get enough rest.
2. Drink plenty of water - at least 64 oz. daily
3. Wash your hands consistently throughout the day - especially after grocery shopping, being around kids (at school???!!!), after handshaking and after pumping gas.
4. Replace washcloths and hand towels in bathroom and kitchen daily.
5. Wash pillowcases 1-3x per week.
6. Drink decaf green tea nightly.
7. During "the season" take a multivitamin or at least vitamins C, E and D.
8. Use common sense and when you're feeling run down and get in an afternoon nap, go on that brisk 20 minute walk, wash your hands and towels and take that extra supplement.
This is very simplistic, but has kept me in flu avoidance for years. Take care of yourself and don't get sick!

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