Thursday, October 1, 2009

County Road

I think I've come upon a title for my book - County Road. Because the setting is going to be a small Texas town, I think it's only appropriate to give the address of where in Texas it is located. For myself, before I lived on CR 414 I never knew what the CR represented if I ever saw an address as such.
I thought I heard the words as I listened to a rap/hiphop song on the radio with my daughter on the way to school at 5:40 am today, but then realized that I had misinterpreted. The words, and tune, if you can call it that, would not leave my brain and I considered it a message to name my book. While I have a basic story idea in my head at this time, I have not yet figured out how to work in all the characters and do not yet have an ending.
My writing lately has been consuming me - although it is not going to be nearly as interesting as County Road. Travel on the internet, most recently to Miami (looks like fun), Modesto (slow town), Minneapolis (can't wait to go again), and Mobile, Alabama. I've been reviewing parks and posting the info for I suppose it could be worse and I would be writing about WICKER again (30 articles for $30 this summer - pathetic). One weekend, possibly this one, I will try to get the snowflake framework of the road story together, describe characters and figure out the action and endings.
It's back to the writing board for me now.

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