Saturday, March 1, 2008

Texas Independence Day

Today, March 2, is Texas Independence Day. In 1836, the Texas Declaration of Independence was adopted at Washington on the Brazos. Texas was declaring its independence from Mexico, after paying too much in taxes and tyranneous rule. As an immigrant Texan (born in Italy on a US Army base), but born to a true Texan in my father, and a resident myself for over 38 years, I have a closeness to this great state.

According to a friend, Roger Moore, no, not the actor, the new year begins on Texas Independence Day. An advertising man, he publishes an annual calendar that begins on March 2. And why not? Each of us has "anniversaries" we recognize and visualize as a new start for ourselves. A marriage, a birth, a move, a job change or second chance is an independence day.

We can also have multiple independence days, a memorable day for different aspects of our lives. For a marriage, it may be purchasing the first home, for children, it might be the last day of school, personally, it could be the day of recovery from an illness or spiritual awakening. I myself have several days of independence. I will write about some of these in the future.

Every day is a new opportunity, remember your independence days.

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