Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Classical Music

The violin concertos, piano music and occasional trumbone, saxophone and various other instruments heard in the background at my grandparents home as a child was named "LaDeDa" music. Today though, I describe classical music with other terms. Background music, "happy" music for the particularly upbeat piece, dramatic music and just plain beautiful too.
The station ambiance on which the music is heard is so appropriate for this type of sound. Speaking in hushed tones, the DJ is calm and collected, and sounds as if he is in a padded cell. The ads are even more monotone. The time between advertisements is longer, which is a certain relief from the pop or rock stations that I listen to.
The artists themselves, except for the composer or the occasional soloist are rarely mentioned.
I'd like to wrap it up by just stating that listenting to classical music on a classical music station is calming, non-interruptive and not self promotion by muscial artists. La Dee Da.

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