Sunday, September 8, 2019

Peace = Jesus

Peace is one of my favorite words – because of what God offers with it. It is a word of the sixties, when I was born, and I have heard it and spoken it a great deal. It was not until the middle of my life that I considered the word in the context of God’s peace, however.  Peace is freedom! Freedom from oppressive thoughts or emotions, as a definition states. 

With my Catholic upbringing, we performed the weekly peace offering to each other, accepting, “Peace be with you,”  from the congregation member on your right, his or her hands over yours, and then sharing it with the person on your left. That was a warm, good feeling for me. Today … after becoming a true Christian, (being saved, following Jesus, and surrendering to his plans for my life), I always use peace in my prayers when praying for others. It is the word I give in love to those who are going through a stressful time, because of illness, financial or relationship difficulties. Yes, God is love, and peace makes me think of Jesus.