What has America come to? I have always understood that the purpose of the United States Government is to keep peace in the states and protect the borders. The preamble of the US constitution states it as such:
"Establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our prosperity."
Where does "pay for the people who are too lazy to work" come into play? I don't see anything about "let anybody who wants to work for the government do so, regardless of his or her temperament or psychological capability" or "fund organizations that want to kill babies" anywhere in the documents. If you want to argue that any of those falls in the "insure domestic tranquility" or "promote the general welfare," I call bullshit.
The United States was founded on the principle that we wanted to move away from the British Monarchy that was all controlling and tax heavy, paid for by those who benefited from those who could not rise above their class system and served as their workhorses. The United States was founded on the belief that people could work for themselves, establish their own businesses and thrive on their own, without government intervention.
Of course, as we've progressed, the age of farming and local market places has evolved us to worldwide technology and communication, medical practices and products and services beyond the wildest dreams of our forefathers. With the creativity and innovation of hundreds of thousands of Americans, think Frigidaire refrigerators, Ford, Apple, Bic, Dawn, Tide, Chili's, Costco, and the list goes on ... we have established a free market system, known only in America, where individuality and ingenuity create the world power we have become.
My concern is to what is the current intention of the US government, and the responsibility of those who serve. Did politicians in the 1700's plan to make a career of it, serving their individual states for a lifetime, with privileges extended only to themselves (health care benefits) and expect to receive a pension for their entire lives? Of course not.
And the responsibility of the military is to DEFEND the borders of the United States, to be prepared to secure our borders and our shores, on US soil, and protect our allies around the world. Those soldiers need to be prepared, physically and psychologically, to do what is necessary to protect Americans. The people whose minds are compromised, because of societal pressures and mind altering drugs, are not necessarily wholly available to defend. That has been the rule of the US military for over 200 years. The military doesn't play by the politically correct rules.
I am not a news monger that listens to talk radio, watches endless television news, or soaks up the literal trash in newspapers and magazines. I just happen to be marginally informed through news snippets and others who talk politics and current events. Most Americans are the same way, but I don't like what I hear, and I am concerned for my children in the future.
Solution? I don't have one that can bring America to the God-fearing, non-politicized, less greedy marketplace that it has become. Home of the free and the brave has evolved into Home of the controllers and the wimps, in my mind. God Bless America!