You read a fabulous book, you watch an incredible movie or listen to a original tune on the radio or live. And what do you do with this incredible outpouring of creativity from individuals that you may never see or meet? Other sources of inspiration may come from God's masterfully orchestrated sunsets, sunrises or a beautiful cloud formation or rain storm. The beauty from nature is immense, from the tiny flowerettes on a miniature weed in the yard to a hesitant songbird approaching you on the back deck of your house.
I have been inspired lately, and this is due to the lack of pressure from the whirlwind of work and family duties, and my own letting down of the expectations of what others will presume that I will complete for them. It's Spring Break for school, therefore no teaching, grading or questioning my teaching skills; waiting on my accounting books approval from my interior design client, a website complete for my real estate client, and blog posts and Facebook postings for the San Diego dentist are done. That means I can sleep in, read a book, watch movies on television, exercise to foot-pounding music on a partly sunny day through the hills and dales of the neighborhood, cook and bake with leisure, and pursue writing here.
Back to my question of what we do with the creativity. Everyone is different in the way they use the imaginativeness of another, and each one's originality can be interpreted in another way than the person, such as I, who enjoys writing about such enriching experiences, although I rarely find time to do it. The two books I read recently, vastly different from one another, have inspired me to dive into my two books that are currently swirling about as bits of gray matter in my head. I have not had a week such as this in a long time, and look forward to putting fingers to keyboard to produce the outcome of hopefully, two progressive book outlines to yield best-sellers one day - just like the two books I just read!