How I wish that every time I had an awesome thought that I had a fast computer to jot it down upon. If I did, I would be writing fervently throughout the day, blogging to beat all the reading odds with advertisers flocking to post on my site. But alas, I have two teenage daughters and a husband to serve. That means encouraging them to rise in the morning, making coffee, breakfast and lunches, and transporting them across three counties (really) to get to school and events each day (Kevin does have his own car). By the time I've gone to my part time job, done the grocery shopping, prepared meals, paid the bills, completed the laundry, cleaned the house, volunteered at schools and church, worked on another part time job; that leaves me little time to exercise, read and do pleasure writing.
My original thought when I sat down was to address that if I would spend all my creativity on writing instead of cooking and baking, I might have that first book written. I have at least three in the works now, each in their own stage of gestation. One, a children's book, is three quarters written but I haven't had the courage to finish it and put it out there. My second has reached the analytical stage with characters, timeline and a plot idea developed all on virtual paper - on a file on my slow computer. The third book is merely fertilized and still floating around in the gray space of my brain, and is one of my favorites because it has to do with baking and cooking. By the time I do have time to finish these projects I do hope that the actual book exists and it doesn't have to become a mere payment of $9.99 online to pop on a portable screen.I don't disdain the eBooks and audiobooks, I will just admit that I enjoy the feeling of a good book in my hands, turning the pages in anticipation of a superb finale.
Today I've accomplished a lot outside of writing. I have prepared two tasty treats outside of the usual breakfast and coffee. The first is a newbie but not really if you consider that I made almost the exact same one two weeks ago with another vegetable. The recipe is for a yellow-orange soup - Butternut squash the first time and sweet potato today. Creamy and delicious, it's exactly what I'm thinking about when I see fancy soups at the grocery. Why would I ever buy that if I can make it myself? Therein lies my problem. I like my cooking better than anybody else's.
The second edible item that I conjured up today was Christmas tree sugar cookies., another item I would never buy. A wonderful recipe from a composite children's pre-school cookbook is my latest favorite sugar cookie formula. You can't go wrong with 1 cup sugar, 1 cup buter, 3 cups flour, cream, an egg, vanilla and baking powder. I've been through probably about five different sugar cookie concoctions, and while I love them all, some are easier than others, and some I may not have particular ingredients such as cream or parchment paper.
This Friday was a wonderful day for me, wherein I got to cook, bake and write - all quite successfully, I might add.